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coVID-19 outbreak in this year's is a severe challenge for China and the world, testing whether countries can respond quickly and effectively to the epidemic. The epidemic is also straining health care systems around the world, including in China.
As of April 1, 2020, coVID-19 has infected more than 81,000 people and killed more than 3,300 in China. Although people are generally susceptible to the virus, older people and people with chronic non-communicable diseases are more likely to become critically ill if infected.
People are at greater risk for COVID-19 if they have non-communicable diseases or pre-existing conditions, such as:
heart disease,
chronic respiratory disease,
According to China's CFR data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CFR of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases is particularly high -- overall CFR is 2.3%, cardiovascular disease 10.5%, diabetes 7.3%, chronic respiratory disease 6.3%, hypertension 6.0%, and cancer 5.6%.
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes have taken their toll in China, accounting for 88 per cent of all deaths. Now, a person with a chronic noncommunicable underlying disease is even more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is infected.
The main causes of chronic non-communicable diseases are familiar: smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet. And it's all preventable.
In Chinese, the word "crisis" means both danger and opportunity. The COVID-19 outbreak is a reminder to all of us not to take our health for granted.
Frequent hand washing, distance in social situations, and respiratory etiquette -- bending your elbow when coughing and sneezing or covering your nose and mouth with a paper -- are some of the measures we are taking to combat the epidemic. At the same time, the high mortality rate among people with chronic non-communicable diseases should be taken as a wake-up call, reminding everyone that staying healthy is a lifelong endeavor. You can do it today, right now, right now -- stop smoking, maintain a healthy (low salt, oil, sugar) diet, limit or avoid alcohol, exercise more, and take care of our mental health.
What can you do to avoid NCDS?
Follow your doctor's advice,
be physically active,
get vaccinated,